Valentines Day, anniversaries, and other special occasions often end with precious gifts such as jewelry or other valuables. While the gift is a token of love or appreciation, it is often times a valuable investment. Making sure you have these items properly covered in the event of the unthinkable is important.
Check your Homeowners or Renters Insurance Policy First
Most home and renters insurance policies already provide some type of coverage for jewelry and valuable items. However, there are usually limits for these high valued items. It is always good to check this limit before making any changes to your current policy.
Knowing the Value
So your home or renters insurance has a limit for your valuable item… how do you know or prove it’s worth? This is where it’s important to have an appraisal and photos of your item(s). It’s also a good idea to get an appraisal after a couple years of owning this item as the value could fluctuate with inflation and market conditions.
Scheduling those Valuables
If your jewelry or other high valued items exceeds the limits your home or renters policy offers, most policies allow you to schedule these items. This lets you specifically identify this valuable item and list it, along with the value, on your policy ensuring coverage. A lot of policies offer replacement cost coverage, agreed value, and even no deductible. Check with your agent on the coverages your policy offers.